Nothing has made me care less about D&D as a whole than the OSR.

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I’m sorry you had to deal with all that. I don’t move in those circles and honestly was only obliquely aware of you prior to Macuahuitl but that was such an interesting take, the kind of thing we need in the hobby, that I reached out to have you on my show. I did receive a some negative feedback after having you on, which is silly as we only talked about the game, but I shut that down offline. Please keep putting out great content.

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Thanks for the comment and sorry if you suffered any negativity because of me.

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No worries, it’s part of the gig. I don’t regret it and you are welcome back anytime.

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I hope your future content can be divorced from this kind of drama. You are such a talented artist and designer, this drama-sphere is not worthy of your time imo. I’m also disturbed and sympathetic, especially with what happened with the one that rhymes with schmundit. I look forward to a TBE focused on games and free from this crap.

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As I said on twitter, I'm one and done, go for the jugular, here are the facts, lets move on.

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I agree with you. I dipped out on the OSR years ago. I've been calling myself an Old School Gamer -- even when I did podcasting for AD&D and the likes, I stuck to the original books only, discussing it in detail. I do that now again with my solo podcast.

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What makes Total Party Skills an enjoyable system? Forget what Joshua R. Holland rants about in the Texas humidity.

Make good games and share them with people.

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You're an Orthodox Christian.

Christ is risen!

Who cares about all these arguments? It's all vanity and pride. At the end of the day you just play the games you like with the people you like. That's all.

If you can't find people you like to play with there's a million other things you can find to do with your time, probably much of which is more valuable than gaming.

If you're trying to make money and a name for yourself doing this though, I'm not sure you can avoid this stuff completely. Maybe, but I have my doubts.

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I make my living doing art and illustration and my own books. So yes, this is my job. So I have to engage in these things.

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Your probably aware, but he Classic Adventure Gaming guys are talking about a lot of what the BROSR talk about, but they are distinctly their own group.


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Jul 27Edited
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Great resources and insight, man. Yeah I should note that before this shift, it was a good place to get knowledge. Things have changed, and I believe they are not for the better. But thank you for the comment. It's up to us to build the kind of hobby we want to be a part of.

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Things do seem to have changed. OSR, NSR, O5E. It's all quite above my head. I just want to try to learn Oe and have some fun. But I absolutely agree it is up to us. So far substack has been amazing for great community and support. Only positive vibes and I formed some great friendship's.

I'm down, and sign me up for bringing back awesome community that is open to sharing and helping each other out.

I totally have to check out your White Box Compatible releases. I am using the 3LBB' and referencing Delving Deeper when needed, but I did recently grab some copies of White Box by Seattle Hill games after a recommendation and really enjoy this interpretation of the rules, especially the ease and presentation.

I am going to be backing White Box Immortals which looks amazing but am also feeling a pull towards BX if for no other reason than to run ASE by Patrick Wetmore.

Sorry, rambling again. Just got off a double shift and am dreaming awake.

Have a great weekend my friend!

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I made the PDF of my clone free (PWYW) on DTRPG.


As for BX, I kind of want to print up the original BECMI booklets. I have the RC but id like the boxed sets.

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Whoa! I just checked this out and I have to say this is a very slick, and jam packed. So much good stuff in this, and very thorough.

This is a great accomplishment my friend. It seems very well thought out, and I am assuming that you definitely took your time and put some thought into this in terms of what to include. I just skimmed through it, but will have to sit down and give it some love.

Are you doing any adventures or modules to support it?

Thanks again.

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Very Cool. I just printed off a nice Hardcover that combines B/X. Not the Omnibus that is floating around. I wanted my copy to be the same as the players booklets for reference.

Thanks for sharing the link I will totally check it out!

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